Davi DeCampos: As told by Ex-Business Partners, Former Associates & Past Acquaintances.
Share your stories – contact@davidecampos.com

History of Davi DeCampos from Ex-Partners, Former Business Associates & more
What should I know about his track record on Libre Hats, Healbr, Elevathe and other present & past enterprises? Is doing business with Davi DeCampos a good idea? As told by past business associates – Coming soon
Share your first-hand dealings with Davi DeCampos – contact@davidecampos.com
First-hand stories on Davi Decampos from past business associates
Learn more about the founder of Libre Hats, Healbr, Elevathe & others from a perspective accessible only by ex-partners and former associates: What do they have to say?
Are you an ex-partner of Davi Decampos?
Or perhaps a current or prospective partner? Davi Decampos is known to live in Brazil, Mexico City & USA. Who is he? What should you know? Learn more – coming soon.
Contact Us
Are you an ex-partner, current partner or someone considering partnering with Davi DeCampos in business or other pursuits?
contact@davidecampos.com is where to email and learn more from people who have previously and presently worked and interacted with him before pressing “play.”
Coming soon!
Want to know more about Davi DeCampos of Libre Hats, Healbr & Elevathe from insiders?
All you need to do is get in touch via email

Why share ex-Partner / Former Associate / Past Acquaintance stories of Davi DeCampos?
So you can have a first-hand look at Davi’s history as told by people who have formerly worked and dealt with him first-hand. This could be valuable research & information if you’re considering a prospective partnership or business association. More to come.
Get in Touch regarding Davi DeCampos